Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Girlfriends Unlimited" Churchwide Ladies' Night Out
Thursday, April 2
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Join us as we play bunco (no money) and spend some time
getting to know our sisters in Christ here at FBC.

Men's Fishing Tournament
October 24th
Mark your calendars!

The youth are trying to offset the cost of summer activities (camp and mission trip) and are asking for your support.
They are willing to do odd jobs that you would like for them to do. After the work is successfully completed, donations
for their hard work may be given to them in a sealed envelope to be turned into the youth office. Scheduled workdays
are April 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th. Someone will contact you to set up your job and day.
To "rent-a-youth" call Janet Pate (254-8434) or Cindy Knipple (273-0133) or sign up in our Sunday School class.

Share Your Faith Class
Sunday, April 19th
4 :30-5:30 p.m. in LL105
Come to this one hour class to learn or to refresh your skills on sharing your faith.
Ideal for those wanting to help at the Altar call or decision follow-up for Team Impact.

*Carolyn - daughter of Deborah and Jerry Daniel's friend - anorexia
*Kathy Potter's sister - has had changes in her MS condition. She and her husband, Brad, also need the Lord. Pray for healing and salvation.
*Mary Daniel - allergies
*Travel safety for trip to Kansas City for Deborah Daniel and group on 27th and 28th
*Pray that God will give us a deep love for His Word
*Lesa Macias - up for a job promotion, pray for God's will
*Ezra (young man from Children of the World group) - broken hand
*Osbornes as they fly to Russia!!! pray for Crant's health and travel mercies - they will be gone March 18-27
*Youth Choir Scotland trip -
*Easter Sunday with Junior Hill
*Karen Steen's mother-in-law - hospital, blood clot
*Cynthia (member of our church) - family situation
*Carlson Stiles - healing
*Suen's son - living in Portland, OR currently and will be moving at the end of the month. Pray for God's direction and peace for his parents. (There is a job available here. Pray that he will move back and take it if that is God's will.)
*Brittany Dunn - doing well at Ouachita Baptist. Thank you for the care packages you have sent. Continue to pray for her.
*Stephanie and Andrew del Rio - pray for God's direction as they seek His will for their future
*Tamra Ogle - health issues (autoimmune diseases)
*Tayler Woods -14 year old fighting cancer (friend's of Ogles who live in Albany, NY)
*Larry Lyon, Tamra Ogle's father - fighting severe fatigue after brain radiation
*Sharon and Greg Cabe, Greenwood, AR (former members of FBC) - wisdom and strength regarding cancer treatments for Sharon
*Crant Osbornes's mother - complications from chemo
*Jessica Osborne (journeyman in Russia) - In her ministry, there has been some new interest in their contacts. People are searching. Lives are going to be changed!
*Team Impact
*Paul Ferrell - chef at Club Marketing, was in an accident in January and may face surgery
*Angie and Ryan Stewart (Lesa Macias's aunt and nephew) - Angie, please pray for a job; Ryan, recovery from wrist surgery
*Phil Tschirhart
*Jason, Tim Daniel's friend - salvation
*Young adult Sunday School Class outreach to Tim and Jason
*Ronna Smith - healing for foot and ankle, pray that she will come for Easter Service
*Mary Beth Daniel - pray that she will be accepted in a summer course so that she can teach school next year

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