Monday, March 9, 2009

"Girlfriends Unlimited" Churchwide Ladies' Night Out
Thursday, April 2
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Join us as we play bunco (no money) and spend some time
getting to know our sisters in Christ here at FBC.

Men's Fishing Tournament
October 24th
Mark your calendars!

*Karen Steen's mother-in-law - hospital, blood clot
*Cynthia (member of our church) - family situation
*Carlson Stiles - had skin grafting done on leg Friday at Children's Hospital in Little Rock - pray for quick healing
*Suen's son - living in Portland, OR currently and will be moving at the end of the month. Pray for God's direction and peace for his parents. (There is a job available here. Pray that he will move back and take it if that is God's will.)
*PTL! Laynette Riley's niece is doing better
*Brittany Dunn - doing well at Ouachita Baptist. Thank you for the care packages you have sent. Continue to pray for her.
*Stephanie and Andrew del Rio - pray for God's direction as they seek His will for their future
*Susan and Crant Osborne - pray for them as they travel to Russia to see Jessica March 18-27
*Tamra Ogle - health issues (autoimmune diseases)
*Tayler Woods -14 year old fighting cancer (friend's of Ogles who live in Albany, NY)
*Larry Lyon, Tamra Ogle's father - fighting severe fatigue after brain radiation
*Sharon and Greg Cabe, Greenwood, AR (former members of FBC) - wisdom and strength regarding cancer treatments for Sharon
*Crant Osbornes's mother - complications from chemo
*Jessica Osborne (journeyman in Russia) - In her ministry, there has been some new interest in their contacts. People are searching. Lives are going to be changed!
*Team Impact
*Paul Ferrell - chef at Club Marketing, was in an accident in January and may face surgery
*Angie and Ryan Stewart (Lesa Macias's aunt and nephew) - Angie, please pray for a job; Ryan, recovery from wrist surgery
*Phil Tschirhart
*Jason, Tim Daniel's friend
*Young adult Sunday School Class outreach to Tim and Jason
*Youth Choir Scotland trip
*Ronna Smith - healing for foot and ankle, pray that she will come for Easter Service
*Mary Beth Daniel - pray that she will be accepted in a summer course so that she can teach school next year

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